2023 Driftless Winter Throwdown
Driftless CrossFit & Fitness is proud to announce that we will once again be hosting our annual “Winter Throwdown”. Our competition is a great way for local CrossFit athletes of all ages and abilities to display their hard-earned fitness in an organized, positive, and competitive event.
Registration Details: WE ARE FULL! Thank you to everyone who registered. This will prove to be the best event yet!
Registration Statistics: Updated 11/09/23
Scaled Teams: 11
Intermediate Teams: 16
Rx Teams: 15
Masters Intermediate Teams: 4
December 9th.
Athlete Welcoming 7-8am. Event 1 Starts promptly at 8:00am. Award ceremony to follow the last event.
COED Teams of 2
4 Workouts
Open Rx, Intermediate, Scaled.
Masters Intermediate 40+
Division Movement Standards:
Open RX
Barbell movements (minimums) Snatch, Clean, Thruster, Shoulder to Overhead
OPEN 155/105
All Dumbbell Movements 50/35lbs
OPEN: 4” deficit HSPU, Muscle-ups (ring/bar), Pull-ups, Toes to Bar
Wallballs 30/20lbs
100/75lb sandbag Ground to shoulder/squats
Open Intermediate/Masters Intermediate 40+
Barbell movements (minimums)
Snatch, Clean, Thruster, Shoulder to Overhead 115/75
All Dumbbell Movements 50/35lbs
HSPU, Pull-ups, Toes to Bar, Wall-Walks
Wallballs 20/14
75/50lb sandbag Ground to shoulder/squats
Open Scaled
Barbell movements (minimums)
Snatch, Clean, Thruster, Shoulder to Overhead 95/65
All Dumbbell Movements 35/25lbs
Ring-Rows, burpees, Air Squats, sit-ups
Wallballs 16/10
50/30lb sandbag ground to shoulder/squats
Registration: OPEN
EVENT 1: “Max Complex”
Athletes will have 7:00 to build to a heavy complex. The complex will consist of the following:
1 Clean (any style, power or squat)
2 Front Squats
1 Shoulder To Overhead (any style, strict press, push press, push jerk, split jerk, no behind the neck STOH will be allowed)
Scoring: Max combined load
Rules and regulations:
1 athlete may lift at a time
Athletes may take as many attempts as you wish in the 7:00
Athletes must start your complex before the 7:00 time cap. You do not need to have the complex completed.
Each team will be given the same amount of weights to use. You may only use what is given.
Barbell collars must be used for every lift. Even warm-up attempts.
Athletes must remain in their own designated competition space during the entirety of the lift. No taking the barbell for a walk.
Teams will each be given a 35lb barbell and a 45lb barbell. You do not need to use both barbells.
Each team will be given the following configuration of bumpers/weights - x4 45’s, x2 35’s, x4 25’s, x4 15’s, x4 10’s, x4 5’s, x4 2.5’s (total of 480lbs of weight)
EVENT 2: “Triple Threat”
Workout 2A: 1000m Row For Time (Scaled 800m)
Teams will have 5:00 to complete a 1000m row (scaled 800m).
Finishing prior to the 5:00 mark will allow teams to rest before workout 2B and 2C
Workout 2B: 8:00AMRAP (from 5:00-13:00)
x10 Alt DB Snatches (Rx/INT: 50/35)(Scaled: 35/25)
x10 Box Jump Overs (Rx/INT: 24/20) (Scaled: Box Get-overs..step or jump)
x5 4” Deficit HSPU (INT: HSPU)(Scaled: x5/5 1-Arm DB STOH 35/25)
Workout 2C: 8:00AMRAP (from 5:00-13:00)
Max Distance Row
Rules and regulations/Scoring:
Athletes may switch on/off the rower at any point during workout 2A or 2B/2C.
After completing the 1000m Row, Judges will reset the rowers prior to event 2B/2C.
Workouts 2A, 2B, and 2C will all be scored independently
Movement Standards:
Alternating DB Snatches - you must alternate every rep. You must only touch 1 DB head to the ground. You may switch hands with the dumbbell at any point during the movement except on the way up. Dropping the dumbbell from above the waist will result in a “no rep”.
Box Jump Overs - a 2 foot take-off is required. Both feet must touch the top of the box. The rep will be credited once the athlete touches both feet to the opposite site of the box. A step-down will not be required. Rebounding will be allowed.
Box step-overs (scaled) - both feet must touch the top of the box
HSPU - Athletes will start in an inverted arms extended position with their shoulders, hips, knees and ankles aligned and both of their heels on touching the wall. They will then lower themselves to the ground, touch their head, then extend the arms. Once the athlete’s entire body returns to the starting position with BOTH their heels touching the wall the rep will be credited. Deficit HSPU will be performed on ~4” bumper plates.
1-Arm DB STOH - The dumbbell will start in the front rack position with part of the head of the dumbbell touching the shoulder. The dumbbell head must then be lifted overhead. Once the elbow and the entire body reaches an extended position simultaneously, the rep will be credited.
EVENT 3 STANDARDS: “Snatch, Jump, Bike”
Workout 3: For Time: 11:00 Time Cap
15 Snatches (Male Partner) (Rx: 155, INT: 115, Scaled: 95)
Double-Unders (break up as needed) (Rx: 300 Double-Unders) INT: 200 Double-Unders) (Scaled: 200 Single-Unders)
Calorie Assault Bike (Rx: 75 Calories, INT: 65 Calories, Scaled: 55 Calories)
15 Snatches (Female Partner)(Rx: 105, INT: 75, Scaled: 65)
Rules and regulations/Scoring:
The event must start with the Male athlete performing 15 snatches.
Athletes may break up the jump-rope and the Assault bike as needed. However, you will need to tag in/out from the designated area.
The workout must finish with the Female athlete performing 15 snatches.
During the event, only 1 barbell will be used. It will be a 35lb barbell. Athletes will be in charge of changing the bar weight from their respective male weights to the respective female weights during the event. You may do it whenever you’d like.
Clips must be used on the bar for the rep to count.
Movement Standards:
Barbell Snatches: Any snatch will be allowed (muscle, power, or squat). The bar must be lifted from the floor to the locked out overhead position in 1-smooth motion.
EVENT 4 STANDARDS: “Closing Time”
Workout 4: 7:00 AMRAP
50 Wall Balls (Rx: 30/20, INT: 20/14, Scaled: 16/10)
10 Synchro Sandbag Ground to Shoulder (Rx: 100/75, INT: 75/50, Scaled 50/30 (scaled females will use a 30lb wallball)
15 Bar Muscle-ups (INT: 40 TTB, Scaled: 40 Wall Facing Medicine Ball Sit-ups (16/10)
Rules and regulations/Scoring:
Complete for total rounds + reps
only 1 wall ball may be off the ground at a time. While 1 athletes performs wallballs, the other cannot be holding it.
Synchro Sandbag Ground to shoulder: Athletes must only finish the movement together. (opposite hand off in the lockout position simultaneously)
Movement Standards:
Wall Balls: Athletes must squat below parallel (hip below knee crease) - Athletes must then throw the ENTIRE ball past their respective lines. Male athletes must clean the 10’ line and female athletes must clear the 9’ line
Sandbag Ground to shoulder: the movement starts with the sandbag on the ground and finishes with the sandbag on either shoulder while in full extenstion of hips, knees, ankles, and trunk. Athletes must remove their opposite hand from the bag simultaneously at the top for the rep to count. Athletes may not perform Touch and go reps. Athletes must drop the bag from the shoulder every rep. You will not need to alternate shoulders.
Bar Muscle-ups: Athletes feet may not break the horizontal plane of the pull-up bar. You may touch your chest/stomach to the bar. Full lockout of the elbows above the bar must be met for the rep to count.
Toes to bar: Athletes feet during the kip swing must break the vertical plane of the rig. Both feet must touch the bar simultaneously for the rep to count.
Wall Facing Medicine Ball Sit-ups: Athletes will start in a seated position. Then, while holding a wall ball, they will perform a sit-up. The wall ball must start touching the floor over the athletes head. To complete the rep, athletes must then perform a full range of motion sit-up in which the athletes shoulders pass the vertical plane of the athletes hips while also touching the wall with their respective wall balls.
Tie Breakers and Scoring:
We will use traditional scoring in which the lowest score wins. Finishing 1st place in an event will allot 1 point for that event. Finishing 10th place will allot you 10 points for that event. The team with the least amount of points after all events are completed will be the winner. The live event scoreboard can be accessed on the WODify Area Event Link.
A tiebreaker will be built-in to each event as necessary. These are explained in WOD breakdowns above. In the event of an overall tie at the end of the competition, the team with the most overall event wins will win. If there is still a tie, we will go to the most 1st and 2nd place finishes, and then 1st 2nd and 3rd place finishes and so on.